Many of us have seen the attacks against student protestors over the last month on campuses like UCLA and others by both the police and right wing Zionists, attempting to disrupt their right to peaceful protest. This led to a wave of stand-up strikes against unfair labor practices of unionized student workers represented by UAW Local 4811 across the University of California system. As a result, legal actions have gone back and forth in state courts attempting to force an end to the strike without meeting unionized worker demands. As this story continues to unfold, we are joined this episode by President of UAW Local 4811, Rafael Jaime, to tell the full story of how we got to this moment, hopes for reaching student worker demands, and where things go next.
In the latter half of the show, Cayden and Producer Josh Elstro breakdown some big moves this week by tech giants Apple and Adobe that may have detrimental, long-term impact the tools we use as movement activists and organizers to communicate our messages. Together they explore the facts of user privacy, and terms of service announcements each company made regarding users of their products this week and explore how we as organizers dependent on this technology might rationally respond.