Block & Build
A Convergence Series

A weekly show examining the current balance of political forces in the United States from a movement perspective. Host and Publisher of Convergence Magazine, Cayden Mak, guides listeners in an exploration of what’s happening in politics and what we can do about it – not simply as individuals acting alone, but as people coming together into a larger movement. The show examines a political strategy termed “Block & Build” as a point of view that impacts the way we approach both politics and everyday life.
This is the flagship podcast of the progressive trend in the broad anti-fascist front – listeners are invited to join Cayden in discovering the routes we can take to not just defeat the authoritarian far Right, but build the influence of progressive and Left political ideas that are overwhelmingly popular, so we can come out of this year’s battles stronger, instead of depleted.
The show features a rotating cast of some of the best minds in organizing today as they discuss what it means to evolve strategy and thinking to advance the governing power of the Left.