Flip Flops and Mixed Decisions
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Once on the plane, leaving Phoenix, I peered down at my feet. Bad choice to wear chanclas (that’s flip flops or cholas in case you wonderin’) on a long day, the Supreme Court 1070 decision day. The week before had been full and buzzing busy with the General Assembly of the Universalist Unitarians, which culminated with several thousand people coming to witness at the doorsteps of Sheriff Arpaio’s infamous tent city. Then on Monday, starting early, many of us gathered to wait for the decision. And it was a decision I think most probably expected. A whirlwind day, humid for Phoenix standards where folks jumped into the fray to offer their perspective to the decision. And a day where we ended up gathering at the ICE offices in Central Phoenix, to punctuate our response and resolve. I left the rally to catch a flight back to Seattle, and there I am, on the plane with a bit of a surreal feeling, multiple layers of sweat, and my dirty feet. Sit back and try to orient myself. What just happened and what now?