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Post Election 2016 Discussion Guide: Power Point and Resource List

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This Power Point Discussion Guide and List of Additional Resources are available for download here:

In the wake of Donald Trump’s victory November 8 partisans of equality, justice and peace are grappling with a number of knotty questions.

  • What accounts for Trump’s victory?
  • What can we expect from a Trump administration?
  • What steps are most important for mounting a sustained and effective resistance to the incoming administration and, over time, push Trumpism back to the margins?
  • How can we build progressive power? What do we need to do to mesh the fight against economic inequality with the crucial fights for racial and gender justice, peace and against climate change?
  • What is needed to battle effectively on both electoral and non-electoral terrain? What strategy should progressives and the left pursue in relations to the Democratic Party?

As one contribution to engaging these and other questions, we prepared a 32-Slide Power Point Presentation titled “Changed Terrain Demands a New Orientation” and an accompanying Resource List. This module is a follow-up to our earlier three-module 2016 Election Curriculum which you can find here. This new Power Point is designed to facilitate a two to two-and-a-half hour discussion in an organization or an informal group. It can also simply be read as an article contributing to the widespread discussion of post-election strategy.

If you have any questions about these, or want to offer feedback or engage in a dialogue about them, please contact us at [email protected].

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For peace with justice,
Linda Burnham, Max Elbaum, Harmony Goldberg, Jason Negron-Gonzales, Tarso Ramos, Bob Wing

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