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2016 Election Curriculum: Power Point Presentations, Facilitator’s Guides, Supplementary Resources

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Woman holding a sign that says Trump Make America Hate Again


These three 2016 Election Curriculum Modules are available for download here:

In a year that has seen racist demagogue Donald Trump capture the GOP presidential nomination and democratic socialist Bernie Sanders make a serious bid for the Democratic nod, social justice activists have been discussing electoral engagement and strategy with unprecedented intensity. Tens of thousands of people beyond the activist world are now looking to hold similar conversations.

What accounts for Donald Trump’s rise? With Wall Street-friendly hawk Hillary Clinton as his Democratic opponent, is there a way to defeat Trump that will simultaneously strengthen movements for justice, equality and peace? Can the energy unleashed by Bernie Sanders’ campaign and movements like Black Lives Matter develop into a durable progressive force that can fight inside and outside electoral politics?

As one contribution to engaging these questions, we have prepared three 20-plus-slide Power Point Presentations covering different aspects of the 2016 election and its political, economic and demographic background. Each is designed to facilitate a two-hour discussion in an organization or an informal group. Each can stand alone or all three can make up a comprehensive series.

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Each Module comes with a Facilitator’s Guide, and there is a Supplementary Resource Guide listing additional materials. These can be downloaded here: If you have any questions about these, or want to offer feedback or engage in a dialogue about them, please contact us at [email protected].

For peace with justice,

Linda Burnham, Max Elbaum, Harmony Goldberg, Jason Negron-Gonzales, Tarso Ramos, Bob Wing

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