Organizing Upgrade interviewed New Florida Majority this summer to explore their strategies and ideas about how to relate to the country’s political system and engage in electoral politics.
New Florida Majority: State-Wide Alignment Group
Learn about New Florida Majority’s vision to transform Florida’s balance of power and its role in forming the Statewide Alliance Group (SWAG), a coalition in Florida that centers black and brown communities in civic engagement to build long-term power and gain governance at the state, county and city levels. This interview features New Florida Majority’s executive director Andrea Cristina Mercado & political director Dwight Bullard.
New Florida Majority: Inside-Outside Strategy
New Florida Majority’s executive director Andrea Cristina Mercado & political director Dwight Bullard talk about how southern based grassroots-led races like Andrew Gillum’s race for governor are building power inside and outside the traditional two-party system in the U.S.
New Florida Majority: Addressing Critiques of Electoral Politics
Is it possible for statewide united fronts committed to social justice to engage in electoral politics without selling out? New Florida Majority’s executive director Andrea Cristina Mercado & political director Dwight Bullard present a vision for winning major electoral victories while making bold progressive gains.